Assessing Noise Levels For Environmental Well-being

environmental noise assessment

Evaluations of noise levels at work 

To ascertain whether noise levels in the workplace exceed the exposure limitations, a first environmental noise assessment will be conducted by a noise consultant. Documenting the sources of noise in the workplace and figuring out the nominal noise levels are the goals of this initial noise assessment. The completion of a thorough noise assessment by a qualified Professional Analyser using NATA-calibrated sound equipment is necessary if noise levels in the workplace exceed 80 dB(A). Regulation 2017 NSW Work Health and Safety governs restrictions regarding noise levels in the workplace. Every workplace has health and safety issues related to noise-induced hearing loss that a Person Carrying a Business or Operation must deal with. One way to do this is to make sure that noise levels experienced by employees don’t beyond the recommended threshold. Regulations AS/NZS 1269.1: 2005 state that noise levels at work should not exceed 140 dB at its highest and should average approximately 85 dB throughout an eight-hour shift.

How we evaluate noise in the workplace

An eight-hour equal working day’s worth of noise exposure is evaluated in a full workplace environmental noise assessment, which is best accomplished by employing NATA-calibrated noise dosimeters for personal noise monitoring. The employees wear these dosimeters throughout their shifts. The worker’s daily noise level at work can then be evaluated and contrasted with the noise Workplace Exposure Limit. Using a NATA-calibrated sound level meter to perform noise contour mapping is an additional technique for determining the noise levels in the workplace. The noise contour survey gauges the amount of noise in the parts of the workplace where equipment noise may have an effect. The total noise exposure at work is calculated by measuring noise levels throughout the space. Suitable controls are proposed to help reduce the overall workplace noise level to less than LAeq, 8hr of 85 dB(A), and LC, peak of 140 dB(C), if the noise survey finds that the workers are impacted by high levels of noise in the workplace. Contact our Professional Technicians in Sydney if you would want more advice on noise in the workplace or if you would like to test noise levels. They are always there to assist you in establishing a secure workplace.

Keeping Every Drop High-Quality

A large portion of the water quality testing and quantity of NSW’s natural water supply is monitored by us, which runs a comprehensive water quality and quantity monitoring program to track the untreated water quality testing of groundwater as well as surface sources. Physical, chemical, biological, radioactive, hydrological, and weather conditions are monitored using online instruments, growing sampling, and laboratory testing. As seen by our Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report, we are committed to accessing and providing up-to-date information. We provide an in-depth summary of our monitoring operations in catchments, lakes, picnic places, water treatment plant intakes, and nearby river locations. Furthermore, we work in cooperation with Sydney Water to give crucial information for their quarterly drinking water report, guaranteeing that consumers are aware of the quality of the water they consume along the whole supply chain. For more information visit our website: